Krunk Hayastani
(The Crain of Armenia )
By Dr. Aida Markosyan
(in Russian and Armenian)

Part 1 - Introductory Course (176 p.)
Part 2 - Basic Course (256 p.)
Part 3 - Advanced Course (240 p.)
Supplement. Sketch of Armenian Phonetics and Grammar; Armenian -Russian Dictionary (192 p.)

Parts 1-3 are accompanied by audiocasettes.

It is the first text-book of East Armenian. It reflects the newest tendencies in foreign didactis. It presents to the reader a whole and systematic description of the Armenian language. It gives the reader unique material on Armenian culture.

"…A very useful tool for Armenian language teaching…"
Prof Dr. Ruediger Schmitt
University of the Saarland,
Saarbruecken, Germany
Please contact the "Mezhdunarodnaya Kniga" agency
The text-book is published by "Balass" publishing house. (Moscow)